Before you start, you should install the client on some computer from where you’re going to connect to the SFLvault server. This is because the client must be ready for when the server is setup: you have 15 minutes to set up the admin account after a certain point.
This section will be added soon. In the meantime the preferred way to install SFLvault is from PyPI.
The instructions in this wiki are for the latest version of SFLvault (0.8) that has not yet been released on the Python package index. It will be updated shortly. In the meantime please refer to:
These instructions assume you are installing on Ubuntu 10.04 or newer. Specific package manager related commands and package names may vary.
SFLvault requires Python 2.6 or higher.
SFLvault requires the python headers to compile the crypto libraries. These instructions assume you are installing SFLvault inside a virtual environment.
$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv python-pip python-dev autoconf
Make a directory where the application will live:
$ mkdir SFLvault
$ cd SFLvault
If you want this installation to become production installation, make sure you create a user and a group for that purpose, and that you issues those commands as that user.
$ virtualenv --distribute env
$ . env/bin/activate
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.freeze
To properly setup your server (with user-setup), you’ll need SFLVault’s client installed. It has the same dependencies as the server, so once you have them, you can install a client with a simple:
(env)$ pip install SFLVault-client
(env)$ pip install SFLvault-server
If you get some permission denied, make sure you have activated your environment with . env/bin/activate (do not forget the dot!)
At this point it is possible to run SFLvault with the default configuration:
python -m sflvault.server
The default configuration does not enable SSL and is therefore insecure. It is recommended to generate a SSL key and certificate and configure SFLvault to use it. The following configuration file provides instructions to configure SSL on your installation.
To provide a configuration file to your SFLvault instance, please use the following file. Options are detailed in the Section sflvault section.
# SFLvault - Pylons development environment configuration
# The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file
sflvault.vault.session_timeout = 90
sflvault.vault.setup_timeout = 300
sflvault.vault.session_trust = true
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/sflvault.sqlite
sflvault.keyfile = /path/to/ssl/keyfile
sflvault.certfile = /path/to/ssl/certfile
# Logging configuration
keys = root, sflvault, sqlalchemy
keys = console
keys = generic
level = INFO
handlers = console
level = DEBUG
handlers = console
qualname = sflvault
# SQLAlchemy logging from within paster shell
# INFO or DEBUG for all SQL statements.
level = INFO
handlers =
qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
datefmt = %H:%M:%S
sflvault.keyfile and sflvault.certfile are the paths to your keyfile and certfile. You can use OpenSSl to generate these:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days XXX
Once you have created your configuration file, you can run tell SFLvault to use it by calling the following:
python -m sflvault.server /path/to/config
The first time you run the server, it will initialize a new database with a new ‘admin’ user. From this moment, you have 15 minutes to setup your admin account.
If you’re too late, and you notice that you’ve expired the timer, don’t worry! Please go to Recreating the admin account
On your other computer (or on the same), run:
$ sflvault user-setup admin https://localhost:5000/vault/rpc
This will generate a new keypair, and store the public key in the vault. The admin account is setup, and you may start using the vault.
You should see something like:
Enter passphrase (to secure your private key):
Enter passphrase again:
Vault says: User setup complete for admin
Saving settings...
Congratulations! You now have running instance of SFLvault! For information on how to use it, please refer to the user manual.
Get the latest version from git:
$ git clone http://git.sflvault.org/sflvault.git SFLvault
This will create a SFLvault directory where the application will live.
Before continuing, make sure to Install system dependencies and Configure your virtual environment
You can now install the required SFLvault packages:
$ cd common
$ python setup.py develop
$ cd ../server
$ python setup.py develop
$ cd ../client
$ python setup.py develop
At this point you can Run SFLvault and Create the admin account!
To run the tests you need to install further dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.tests.freeze
Which will let you run the vault’s test suite:
$ nosetests -w server --cover-package=sflvault.server
Determines how long the user can wait, in seconds, before issuing two commands to SFLvault.
Default value is 60 seconds.
Determines how long a user has, in seconds, to issue a user-setup command and configure his account after it has been created.
Default value is 300 seconds.
Determines if a user’s session can be cached and used for login later in time. This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in 0.9.0
Default value is false.
Paths to a key file and certificate file to use the SSL mode. When both configurations are set, the server is started in SSL mode, otherwise, it’s started in plain HTTP mode.
Logging in SFLvault is done with the standard logging module. For further information, please refer to the official python documentation:
If you get an error from the Vault because you waited more than 15 minutes between the setup-app and the call to user-setup, then you need to start with a new vault:
Running the server over SSL is required to ensure password safety. The show command sends passwords in an encrypted form, but service-add and service-passwd do not. Someone listening to the communications between the client and the server could very easily get these passwords.
To run as a server, you’ll need to have an eggcache directory, so go to where you created the config file:
$ cd SFLvault
$ mkdir eggcache
and install this file in /etc/init.d/sflvault (tweak as needed):
#!/bin/sh -e
export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE="$APPDIR/eggcache"
COMMAND="$APPDIR/env/bin/python -m sflvault.server /path/to/configuration --user=MyUser --group=MyUser --pid-file=$PIDFILE --log-file=$LOGFILE"
case "$1" in
$COMMAND start
$COMMAND restart
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
Then run:
chmod +x /etc/init.d/sflvault